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Becoming a mentor

Here are a few important things you should know before filling out the application form.

  • Our main differentiator is a thorough “recruiting-like” process to keep our platform curated with top mentors.

  • The best mentors believe inKaizen, therefore we encourage mentors to also be mentees and we provide free session bookings (one for one model).

  • Remember to treat mentees the same way you’d like to be treated - it’s key for the health of our community.

  • If you decide to charge, we suggest keeping your rates affordable. Also, we collect 12% of your fee due to processing and maintenance.

  • As a community-first mindset platform, you’ll have to mentor for free until you have four reviews.Read about our GBC philosophy.

We hope these are aligned with what you were looking for and you’re ready to join the best CX leaders who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and helping others evolve.